Education Event Sponsorship
The Youth and Education portion of the WSBC budget is designed to support youth and adult activities related to the sheep industry. This support includes activities related to the seven Purposes as outlined in the WSBC By Laws, with an emphasis on educational activities and scholarships.
Promote the production, marketing, distribution and utilization of sheep, lamb and wool products.
Collect and disseminate information relating to the practical and scientific phases of sheep production.
Encourage youth participation in sheep projects.
Identify and support research needs for sheep production and marketing.
Disseminate information to the general public.
Promote and encourage efficient marketing of sheep and a sound, healthy sheep industry in Wisconsin.
Work with other state, regional and national organizations with similar objectives.
Anyone furthering the interests of the sheep industry may request sponsorship from the WSBC for educational or promotional activities providing the following criteria are met:
1) The applicant must be a current member of the WSBC member, or a non-member may file an application through a WSBC Board member.
2) The event or activity benefits the sheep industry either through promoting sheep and/or sheep products or by educating youth about the sheep industry.
3) The request for monies needs to be made at least sixty (60) days prior to the event. Requests are to be in writing, sent to the WSBC office, and need to include, at a minimum, the following information:
- The purpose of the event, including place and time;
- The number of person anticipated to be attending the event;
- A statement about how the event promotes the sheep industry and/or educates the youth of Wisconsin;
- The anticipated cost of the event;
- The amount requested for sponsorship and how it would be used;
- Any other information which may help the WSBC consider the request.
4) The requesting organization or person agrees to promote a potential sponsorship by the WSBC at the event and in any promotional/advertising materials.
5) The WSBC will discuss the request at their next Board meeting and provide a written response with their decision.
6) WSBC reserves the right to accept or decline any request for sponsorship based on the following criteria:
- a) Requests must meet all the criteria, 1)-5);
- b) Certain groups of sponsorships, such as the youth scholarship awards, may have a calendar deadline for applications. Monies in the Youth and Education portion of the annual budget may be earmarked for such activities;.
- c) Requests not earmarked in the annual budget will be granted on a first come/first served basis. Total sponsorships awarded per calendar year will be limited to the dollar amount budgeted by the WSBC in the annual budget
7) Educational activities that are part of the WI Sheep & Wool Festival are the responsibility of the WI Sheep & Wool Festival LLC.
8) WSBC reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of these guidelines at any time deemed necessary.
Revised 10/17/2016
Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative
Jill Alf WSBC Executive Secretary-Treasurer
5316 N Northwood Trace, Janesville, WI 53545